The template structure is as follows:
|__ assets/ -> contains uncompiled Sass files
|__ components/ -> contains Vue.js components
|__ layouts/ -> contains Nuxt.js layouts
|__ pages/ -> contains all views and routes of the website
|__ plugins/ _> contains Nuxt.js plugins
|__ .dockerignore -> tells dockers which files/directories should be excluded from the context
|__ .editorconfig -> a collection of text editor plugins for maintaining consistent coding styles
|__ .gitignore -> tells GitLab which files/directories should not be uploaded to the repository
|__ .gitlab-ci.yml -> an automated flow for building, testing and deploying your website.
|__ docker-compose.yml -> a config file for Docker Compose
|__ Dockerfile -> a file with instructions on how to build the docker image
|__ LICENSE -> License CC-by-4.0, all wikis are required to have this license - DO NOT MODIFY
|__ nuxt.config.js -> a Nuxt configuration file
|__ package-lock.json -> the exact dependencies tree of the website
|__ package.json -> contains all the dependencies and scripts for the website
|__ -> a file containing the text you are reading right now
|__ tailwind.config.js -> a tailwind configuration file
|__ tsconfig.json -> a Typescript configuration file
git clone
cd patras-medicine
npm install
npm run dev
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose down #to stop the running container